### QField Plugins to the rescue Natural catastrophe rapid mapping in 2024 --- --- --- ---
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rapidmapping.ch quickly created nadir imagery --- ![whatsapp](assets/rapidmapper/whatsapp.png)
What about ground truth? --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- # Plugins!? ---
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--- --- ## Learnings - Complete architecture setup in 2 days (including coding a proxy server and developing the QGIS project), in future couple of hours. - Allow subscribing to a project directly in QFieldCloud - Streamlining subscription and onboarding are crucial - Use setting to avoid downloading of all images when a reporter joins - Possibly allow reaching images from webgis without a proxy server --- ![os_love](assets/love-os.png) #### Open source Geoninjas #### Made in Switzerland --- ## Thanks! Questions? qfield.org | qfield.cloud @opengisch info@opengis.ch